Saturday, October 8, 2011

We're back!

After a way-too-long hiatus, The Boydstyles are back with new milestones! I'm sorry I haven't posted in so long. I can't believe I haven't posted anything since Macy's First Photo Shoot! I didn't even put up her second photo shoot, which I think was back in early August.

I'll look through my archives this week and post some pictures and such from the last few months, but for now, I'm going to post some recent WALKING videos! That's right-- at 14 months, she is finally walking. She actually took her first real steps in California last week, while I was visiting my mom and grandparents. These videos are from just a couple days ago.

Actually, this first one isn't a walking clip, it's just cute. Notice how clean and uncluttered we have kept Jim & Jill's family room.

These next two are very similar, but I just couldn't choose one over the other to post, so you get both! :)

She knows most of her main body parts, but she still gets ear & eye mixed up sometimes...and apparently, I do too (I couldn't see what she was pointing at!).

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness A, these are precious! I love how happy she gets when she sees the jack in the box. So sweet! -TS
